A Beautiful Prayer Meeting

Scripture: Daniel Chapter 2:17 
Then Daniel went to his house, and made the decision known to Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, his companions.
Devotion: A Beautiful Prayer Meeting
A friendship built on prayer is a friendship built on God.
Praying friends who believe in the power of God are priceless. It’s a wonderful blessing to have godly companions you can call on to pray and ask God for help. Daniel's life was on the line due to King Nebuchadnezzar decree. The King had a dream he needed to be interpreted, but at the present moment no one was able to interpret his dream. As a result, the King went on a killing spree until his dream was interpreted. (Daniel 2:13) Daniel was fully aware of the King’s decree, but he didn’t respond by panicking, but praying. His initial response to the King’s decree was to meet with his friends to pray and seek the mercies of God.
 An important life lesson we learn from Daniel is prayer must be our first response and not our last resort. In one of the most difficult times of Daniel's life he held a prayer meeting with his praying friends. God is glorified when we commit to prayer in our difficulties. Encountering hardships gives us the perfect opportunity to express our trust in God by way of prayer. The situation at hand seemed to be helpless and hopeless, but these young boys came together on one accord to seek God. Daniel and his friends didn’t dwell on what they couldn’t do, but they focused on what they could do. They couldn’t change the decree that was issued by the king of the land, but they could freely pray to the King of Heaven who Sovereignly rules in the Kingdom of men.
 There are somethings that we just can’t change, but as long as we have breath we can pray. Regardless of our age we will have difficulties and dilemmas in life. Young teenage Daniel handled his trouble by going home and meeting with his praying teenage friends to seek God for help. We need God’s help and we need praying friends who believe in the power of God to pray with us and for us. One of the best things we can be in life is a praying friend. Lord, help us to be praying friends and bless us with praying friends.

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