Eyes On You

A poem inspired by 2nd Chronicles 20:12
“We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”- King Jehoshaphat
We need help from Heaven
To handle the problems
That we face
On our own strength
We cannot make it
So we humbly come before you
Seeking your guidance and grace
At this present moment
We’re not sure of what to do
But with the eye of faith
We will look beyond our situations
And focus our eyes upon you
We acknowledge your works of the past
We confess your outstretched hand
Is mighty to bring us through
And no matter how hopeless
The circumstances may seem
We will continue to keep our eyes on you
It’s on your resume
Your a God who protects and provides
In times of great danger
Your a refuge and a pavilion
We hastily run to hide
We clearly see the enemy
Pursuing us on our trail
But our trust
Is in you O God of Heaven
For we know you cannot fail
We have witness your marvelous works
And we’re persuaded what your able to do
Therefore we will be strong and a good courage
And continue to keep our eyes on you

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