Fight, Run, Keep

   Text: 2 Timothy Chapter 4:7

Scripture: I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Great fighters have to be able to maintain their focus even if they get knocked down. Similar to great fighter’s great runners must keep their eyes on the prize and not focus on the present pain and circumstances. Great runners know as they are approaching the finish line they just can’t run to the tape, but must run through the tape. God has called all of his children to be fighters and he has also called us to a specific fight. The fight that the Christian fights, is the good fight of faith. God has not only called us to be fighters, but also to be runners. God has called us to be runners and he has set the course. On this course there will be hills to climb and hurdles to go over. In this fight we will get hit with blows, but the good news is God has equipped us for the fight and the race.
God has called us to the fight and God has called us to the race.                      
God has not left us to fight and run on our own strength, but has given us his spirit and grace through Christ. We have everything we need so that we may go forth and conquer and continue to proceed.

The apostle Paul lets us know three things he did in 2nd Timothy Chapter 4:7
I fought the good fight.
I finished the race.
I kept the faith.

Paul lets us know what he did and if we were to ask Paul how he did it; he would tell us by God’s grace. God gave me grace to fight the good fight of faith. God gave me enduring grace to finish the race. God kept me by his grace and that’s what enabled me to keep the faith. In God's strength and conditioning program he gives us grace for the fight and the race.
What a mighty God we serve,
God gives his people fighting grace!
God gives his people finishing grace!
God gives his people keeping grace!

As we are fighting the good fight of faith- God is fighting for us and God is fighting with us. The battle is the Lords.

As we are running this course and finishing our course, God is with us encouraging us along the way by his spirit and his word. As we are running our race we find encouragement in his Son Jesus Christ who is our trailblazer who has gone before us. As we are running the race the spirit of God comforts us by bringing back into remembrance what God has done and what the Lord has said.

As we run the race we must remind ourselves and our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ- greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
He will never leave me or forsake me. He is with me as I fight the good fight of faith. He is with me as I run, He is keeping me as I keep the faith.
Because God is with us and he has poured his spirit in us and he has bestowed his grace on us- We can fight and be strong in the Lord. We can fight and kill the sin that so easily beset us. We can fight in the power of God's might.
Because God is with us and he has poured his spirit in us and he bestowed his grace upon us we can run with conviction. Run with hope. Run with confidence. Run with joy.
We can fight knowing the battle is the Lord's and I’m victorious in Christ. We can run knowing because Christ got up, my running is not in vain. Our fighting is not in vain. Our running is not in vain. One of these days we shall wear a crown and we shall hear well done thy good and faithful servant. In the meantime keep fighting the good fight of faith. Keep running with your eyes on Christ. Keep on keeping the faith!!

May the Lord bless you and may he keep you.

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