God’s Greatest Gift

Poem Inspired by: Romans 6:23
Scripture Reading: For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Poem: God’s Greatest Gift
God’s Greatest Gift
Was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger
He was born in the city of Bethlehem and revealed himself
unto those society deemed
to be outcast and strangers
God’s greatest gift lived a wonderful life without sin and flaw
He lived for his people righteousness by perfectly fulfilling and obeying the law
God’s greatest gift
Was his only begotten son that became sin and a curse and was crucified upon a tree
God’s greatest gift Carried my sin, guilt, shame and was wounded
for my transgressions and iniquities
God’s greatest gift poured out his precious blood
For ungodly sinners such as you and me
and without the covering
of the redeemer cleansing blood we would forever abide in sin without hope of being free
God’s greatest gift died on the cross, but the crucifixion
Was not the end of his story
God's greatest gift
Triumphantly Overcame sin, Satan and death and to him belongs
all the power, honor and glory
God’s greatest gift
Is the gift that continues to gives
God Greatest gift is Jesus and forever our resurrected Lord and King Lives.

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