Grace for the Race

II Corinthians 12:8-9

Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. And he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness. 

Grace For The Race 

Pastor D.E Williams once said, “ God makes sure all of his children are runners.” The Christian life is not a sprint, it’s a rigorous marathon. God has set the course and he has called all of his children to run with their eyes on Jesus. In addition to God calling us to run he has also equipped his people with strength for the race. The Lord has purposely designed the course for us not to be able to run and finish on our own strength. If we could run and finish this race on our own strength we wouldn’t appreciate his grace. Therefore the Lord would have us to look to him as we run the race of life. The Apostle Paul made full proof of his ministry and ran with great power and conviction for the Lord, however in 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 Paul gives us a brief testimony of the pain he had to endure when he was running for the Lord. Paul’s testimony in 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 informs us there will be opposition along the way when you are running for the Lord. Although there will be opposition along the way and the enemy constantly attacking and assaulting, we still have to preserve and finish the race. Jesus didn’t come up short; he finished his race and he called us to finish our race.

The pain that Paul experienced on his journey was permitted and allowed by God. God gave Satan permission to buffett and abuse the Apostle Paul. Apart from God giving Satan permission to buffet Paul he couldn’t touch him. The word buffet in the Greek means to strike with the fist. The Apostle informed us that Satan was violently crushing him with devastating blows. The purpose of Satan hitting Paul was to kill him. Let us not be deceived ,we have an enemy and his name is Satan. His chief aim and purpose is to kill, steal and destroy. Although Satan knocked Paul down, the Lord didn’t let Satan knock Paul out. Satan’s plan was to kill Paul, but God’s plan was to build Paul.

"Down doesn’t mean out, it’s just the opposite way of up".

God used the evil works of the devil to accomplish a great work in the life of Paul. What the devil meant for evil, God meant for good. In the midst of Paul’s pain, God was working it out for his good. The devil delighted in knocking Paul down, but God delighted in raising Paul up by the power of his grace. Down doesn’t mean out, it’s just the opposite way of up. When the devil knocked Paul down he lifted up his voice and prayed. 2nd Corinthians 12:8 says, "Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me." It’s crystal clear and plain for us to see that Paul prayed for a removal of the thorn. If we were to put ourselves in the Apostle Paul shoes we also would ask God for a removal.There is nothing wrong with asking God to remove things from your life. Our Lord Jesus Christ prayed three times for the removal of the cup.

Paul prayed in faith, trusting and believing God had the power to move and remove things. The Apostle knew the reality of the Christian race. In spite of the messenger of Satan violently harassing him he knew the calling of God remained the same for his life. The apostle believed he could live a better life for the Lord if the thorn was removed. The Apostle Paul was fully aware he had to continue even though he was in pain. Beloved, the truth of the matter is this: God has called us to continue running the race in spite of the pain we endure. Paul was in pain, and instead of God removing the thorn from Paul he gave him a reminder.

Paul asked for a removal, but God gave him a reminder. Sometimes it’s not God's will to remove what we go through, but all the time it’s God's will to remind us when we’re going through.

The word of God reminds us that greater is he in me than he that is in this world. (I John 4:4)

The word of God reminds us through Christ's strength I can do all things. (Phil 4:13)

The word of God reminds us that we have a great high priest who can be touched with the feeling of our infirmities. (Hebrews 4:14)


God is able to move the mountain, but sometimes he chooses to keep the mountain there to remind us he is with us as we climb the mountain. Sometimes it’s God's will to give us mountain climbing faith and mountain climbing grace for the intent that we may know the power of his grace. Instead of God removing Paul's thorn, he reminded him that his grace is sufficient. The sufficiency of God’s grace gives us power, endurance and perseverance to run our race in a way that glorifies Him. God would have us to know the Christian race is a “Grace Race.” Christ manifests his power in our weakness to show us his grace is enough. There are some things in life God will not remove, but be of good courage because he will always remind us according to his word.

The word of God reminds us that Christ will never leave us nor forsake us. Child of God be encouraged today as you run your race. Christ will not remove himself from you, but he will remind you that he is with you and his grace is sufficient. The grace that God gives us is designed to help us finish our race. God fuels us by grace, that we may finish by grace, so that we may know it was all of Grace. 

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