In the Valley

Valleys are undesirable places we don’t want to be. If we had it our way we would never choose to pass through the valley, although we prefer being on the mountaintop the truth of the matter is this: We learn more in the valley than we do on the mountaintop. God often uses the places we don’t want to be, to shape us and mold us into who he would have us to be. 

It’s in the valley the Child of God sings, “Walk with me Lord, walk with me.” While I’m on this tedious journey, I want you Jesus to walk with me.” In spite of our thoughts concerning the valley, we must always remember God performs great work in dark valleys. Location does not hinder God’s presence and work among his people. 

Being a Christian does not exempt us from being in the valley, however being a Christian means that God will be with you in the valley. David found great comfort in this truth and it led him to confess, “ Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4). As we are traveling in the valley let us remember the promise of Christ, “I will never leave you nor forsake you. In the valley the Lord personally revealed unto David he is the great shepherd. Psalm 23 provides us with 4 wonderful truths about The Lord in the valley. 

  1. The Lord's presence was with David in the valley.
  2. The Lord’s provision was with David in the valley.
  3. The Lord’s protection was with David in the valley.
  4. The Lord’s peace was with David in the valley. 

God chooses to use valleys as a training camp to strengthen his children faith, hope and trust. He also uses valleys as his classroom to teach his children how to focus and look to him. When the Lord leads his children through the valley he takes center stage and manifests his great power and presence among his people. 

The Prophet Ezekiel was an eyewitness of the mighty work of the Lord in the valley. When the Lord led Ezekiel into the valley of dry bones he asked him, “Son of Man can these bones live?” Ezekiel replied unto the Lord, “O Lord God thou knowest.” (Ezekiel 37:3) In the valley of the dry bones Ezekial wasn’t sure if the bones could live, but he was sure the Lord knew.

Oftentimes in the valley of life we may be unsure, but the one thing we can be sure of is the Lord knows. We can be confident in the valley because the Lord knows what is best for us. In the presence of Ezekial, God turned Death Valley into Resurrection alley by commanding him to prophesy unto dry bones. (Ezekiel 37:7) The same God who turned Death Valley into Resurrection valley in Ezekial’s day, is the same God who is able to work a great work in your valley today. 

God’s plan and purpose for his children in the valley of life is to see him high and lifted up. When God is our vision in the valley, we will live a victorious life that will glorify him. Never underestimate the power of God in the valley. 

God resurrects in the valley. God rescues in the valley. God restores in the valley. God renews in the valley. God revives in the valley.

1 comment

  • Great Message look forward to more messages and I will be purchasing some items soon

    Bren Doniel

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