Pray Always

Scripture: And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground. Luke 22:44

If we are going to live a life that glorifies God, we must look to Christ. The more we look to Christ, the more we will look like Christ. The greatest example we can ever have is Jesus Christ our Lord. On the way to the old rugged cross, Jesus teaches us how to deal with agony, heartache and pain. In the Garden of Gethsemane the weight of the world is on Jesus' shoulders and his soul was overwhelmed to the point of death. (Matthew 26:38) He is fully aware of what he is about to suffer at the hands of evil and wicked men, but yet he prays. In the most difficult time of Jesus' life he spent time in the garden praying unto his father.

Luke emphatically states that Jesus was in agony. Extreme agony is enough to make one throw in the towel and wave the white flag. Although you may be a Christian you are not exempt from agony and pain. So what must we do when we experience agony? Let us look unto Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith. (Hebrew 12:2) Although Jesus was in agony in the garden he was also in prayer in the garden. In the Garden of Gethsemane the pain intensified, but so did Jesus prayers. He prayed more earnestly.

Jesus did not surrender to the pain, but he surrendered the pain to God in prayer. (Luke 22:41-44) The throne of Grace is always open, therefore let us always take everything to the Lord in prayer. The throne of Grace is a place of power that we can receive strength in our weakest hour. (Hebrew 4:16) Don’t let the enemy of your soul detour you from prayer. Satan wants us to believe that your prayers are in vain. Continue to focus on Christ and surrender everything to his hands by way of prayer.

Prayer gives us the opportunity to place all of our heavy burdens at the feet of Jesus. God has ordained prayer as a means that he uses to conform us to his darling son Jesus Christ. The more we humble ourselves and pray the more we will be like Christ.

The example that Jesus set before us in the Garden of Gethsemane is this:

Pray through your pain.
Pray through your suffering.
Pray through your heartache.
Pray through your grief.
Pray through your affliction.
Pray through your trials.
Pray through your tribulations.
Pray through your test.
Pray more earnestly.
Pray always

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