Pray for your Children

One of the greatest things a parent can ever do for their child is to continually pray for them and pray with them. Sometimes as parents we can be guilty of focusing on what we cannot do for our children. If we could do everything for our children we wouldn’t need God to do anything for our children. God would have us to know as parents we need him and so do our children. Although we may be limited in what we can do for our children, we are not limited in how we can continually pray for our children.

Jesus Christ our great high priest has given us unlimited availability and access to the throne of grace so that we may pray. Prayer teaches us that God is the only one who can meet our every need. Prayer gives us the opportunity to humbly present and lift up our children before the throne of Grace. As long as we live we ought to commit to praying for our children. The prayer of the believing parent lives longer than the believer. God is faithful and he hears, remembers and honors the prayers of his people even when they have passed from this earth. God works through the means of prayer. There isn’t one child who remembers everything his/her parents have said and done, but one thing a child will never forget is a parent who prays for them and with them.

Our children need to see our heads bowed in humble submission with our voices being lifted in hope as we communicate with God by way of prayer. Our children need to feel our hands holding their hands as we seek God through prayer. Pray continually for your sons and your daughters.

God is able.   

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