Prayer is Essential

Luke 18:1 

Scripture: Then he spoke a parable to them, that men ought always to pray and not lose heart. 

We go forward in faith by turning to the words of Jesus Christ the Lord. Jesus teaches us in Luke chapter 18:1 that prayer is essential. The word essential means absolutely necessary or extremely important. God allows his children to go through unfavorable times to show them the necessity of prayer in their lives. 
Through the means of prayer the Lord builds his people:
 and Trust in Him.
Prayer is extremely important because without prayer we will faint and give into things that don't please God. 
Prayer is absolutely and extremely important because when we pray: 
We display a childlike dependency to our Heavenly Father who is our all sufficient source that is able to meet our needs. 
    Prayer is absolutely and extremely important because when we pray: 
    We have the opportunity to commit and place all of our cares and weight on Jesus Christ, our burden bearer. 
    Prayer is absolutely and extremely important because when we pray: 
    We grow stronger in faith in God and grow closer in fellowship with God.
    The Glory of God
    God is glorified when we come to the throne of Grace, humbly depending on him to meet our needs.
    God is glorified when we humbly come to him in prayer with thanksgiving and praise. 
    God is glorified when we take great delight in the privilege of prayer that he afforded to us by way of his son Jesus Christ. 
    God is glorified when we surrender our earthly affairs into his Heavenly hands.
    Let us hear the words of Jesus, men ought to always pray and not faint. 
    Prayer is Essential. 

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