Take it to the Lord in Prayer

Scripture: Genesis 25:21 
“And Isaac prayed to the Lord for his wife, because she was barren, and the Lord granted his prayer, and Rebekah his wife conceived.”
Devotion: Take it to the Lord in Prayer
God allows us to face certain challenges in life so that we may learn how to take everything to the Lord in prayer. Issac's wife desired children, but her womb was barren. Issac didn’t focus on what he couldn’t do for his wife, but he focused on what he could do for his wife and that was to pray. Issac knew his wife's dilemma and he took it to the Lord in prayer. The Lord heard Issac's prayer and blessed him and Rebekah with twin sons.
God still hears prayers.
God still opens wombs that are barren.
God still answers prayers.
Sometimes we can be guilty of focusing on the challenges that are before us and stop praying. Let us be forever encouraged to focus on God in the midst of our challenges and take everything to the Lord in prayer.

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