Think Him
Proverbs 3:5-6
“ Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thy own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path.
Follow your heart. On the surface this appears to be harmless and helpful advice, but when we examine God’s word it gives us insight concerning our hearts. According to God’s word we will be led astray if we follow our hearts. Jeremiah 17:9 says, “ The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it? God has not called his children to follow their hearts but to follow him. 

The child of God must be mindful and considerate of him at all times. In spite of what’s transpiring in this life, God is emphatically declaring to his people, I am your leader, guider and director. It’s God’s will for the children of God to acknowledge him in all their ways. King Solomon understood the great danger of not acknowledging God, so he pleads with his son in proverbs chapter 3:1 to remember and keep his commands. According to scripture Solomon wonderfully prospered as King when he acknowledged God. On the other hand, Solomon experienced great defeat in his life when he leaned to his own understanding and didn’t acknowledge God.
Solomon knew from experience he was at his best when he remembered and kept God’s word. On the hand he knew he was at his worst when he forgot God and didn’t keep his word. Solomon is fully aware of his Spiritual highs and lows, and he wants his son to be blessed by God. In proverbs chapter 3:5 King Solomon presents his son with two critical commandments. The first commandment is to trust in the Lord. The second commandment is to lean not on your own understanding. Solomon wants us to know the more we trust in the Lord, the less we will lean to our own understanding. However on the contrary, the more we lean to our understanding the less we will trust God.
As born again believers we will always have internal conflict, struggles and fights. The battle within is a battle against sin. God has purposely ordained this fight to occur within us so we may depend, trust and lean on God. It’s natural for us to lean on our own understanding and think we know what’s best for us.
Our Heavenly Father hasn’t called us to lean on our own understanding, but to lean on him. As human beings we train and teach our children the essential skills to be self sufficient and independent. However in the Kingdom of God he trains and teaches his children to become more dependent on him as we grow in grace.
A mark of maturity in the Christian life is submitting and surrendering to God in every aspect of our lives. God gives his people a way to acknowledge him by way of his word and prayer. After Solomon urges his son to trust in the Lord and lean not to his own understanding he pleads with him to acknowledge God in all his ways.
Solomon is pleading with his son to think about God at all times. To acknowledge him means to reverence him, remember him and recognize him.
To acknowledge him means to consider him, and commit your ways to his way.
When we humble acknowledge him we surrender our ways to his will. The promise to those who acknowledge him in all their ways is that he shall direct their path. When God directs our path he goes with us ,and before us and leads us in the way he would have us to go. Acknowledging God in all our ways is proof that we trust the Lord with all our heart. The Lord has a rich history and awesome resume of leading his people. The same God who parted the Red Sea and led his people through, is the same God that is able to part your Red Sea and lead you. Our Heavenly Father knows what is best for us , and when we acknowledge him in all of our ways he will bless us in all our ways. Think him always.
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